When is Super Pink Moon: April Full Moon 2021

What is Supermoon and How Often it Happens

You must have noticed that some full moons are brighter than other full moons. The reason is the position of the moon in relation to earth when the full moon is happening. The full moon of April is going to be brighter. These full moons are known as supermoons. This happens because the moon is coming to its closest position to our planet. This position is in relation to the position of the moon on its orbit. We have already witnessed one supermoon in March which was super worm moon. Also, learn what is summer solstice

Supermoons give us beautiful spectacle as we can see full moons in its brightest form. Also, they appear to be very close to us. Super pink moon is on 27th April 2021 at 4.31 AM as per British Summer Time. This time is one hour ahead to GMT or UTC due to daylight savings in summer. Super full moon will also appear in May as well as June. The may super moon is the brightest one among all the four supermoons of 2021.

Full Supermoons 2021 – Date and Time

We all love to see a bigger and brighter moon in the night sky. If you love to watch it, do not forget to watch supermoons. Below image shows you date and time of all the full supermons of the year. The date and time may differ in different locations depending on the time zones. Please convert the time to your local time to know the schedule of supermoon in your region.

super pink moon 2021

Supermoons happen when the full moon takes place at the time of perigee. The phenomenon of perigee occurs when the moon is at its closest point from earth. Moon keeps revolving on its orbit as well as around the earth. During a single moon cycle, moon comes at a point when it is at the least distance from earth.

New moons and full moons are important astronomical events. Moon has inspired our astronauts, astrologers, and poets equally. To learn more about the equinox and solstice, refer to our posts published on fullmooncalendars. Also, learn when is the official first day of summer 2021. The positions of the sun and moon in relation tour planet plays role in formation of day and night and different seasons. As the sun moves over the equator and changes its direction from one pole to another, we witness major changes in seasons.


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